Using the needs assessment for cancer care across Greece that we conducted at the very start of our work, together with input from Personal Health Assistant app users, we were able to pinpoint which issues oncology patients face on a daily basis, as well as indicate specific gaps in terms of public service provision. Kapa3 launched its first Cancer Prevention and Management Mobile Unit, which provides patients with Kapa3 trained health professionals guiding them in and out of the hospital from the point of diagnosis onwards.

At a time when Covid-19 has led to only 6% of total cancer spending being covered and that the rights to the quality of life of people who ail are blatantly violated, K3, with the help of technology, gathers new weapons in the battle against cancer beyond clinical studies, the advanced diagnostic techniques, but also the best chemotherapy drugs that give, an ideal therapeutic treatment and individualized disease management strategy separately.

The long-term objective of the “Cancer Prevention and Management Mobile Unit” is:

  • Improving the quality of life of cancer patients
  • Empowering cancer patients in adopting prevention and improving self-management
  • Reducing healthcare costs for the long-term management of cancer patients and survivors
  • Creating a team of experts and empowered patients who are better able to address cancer-related issues.


The “Cancer Prevention and Management Mobile Unit” was first piloted at the Theagenio Cancer Hospital of Thessaloniki, one of the largest oncology hospitals in Northern Greece, in collaboration with the Research Laboratory “Care of Adult Cancer Patients” of the Department of Nursing of the International Hellenic University.
Kapa3 staff and volunteers process patient requests offering personalized care to oncology patients and helping to build trust between patients and health professionals.

The Mobile Unit is supported by the TIMA Charitable Foundation.

Starting from the Theagenio Hospital, which is one of four cancer hospitals in Greece and serves 2/5 of the country with 900 patients daily, we launched the Cancer Prevention and Management Mobile Unit within hospital premises. The launch of the Unit in Thessaloniki was guided by the Kapa3 cancer care needs assessment which relevaled gaps in service provision and cancer patient support especially in Northern Greece.

Within 1 year from its launch, the Unit has served more than 350 patients in Northern Greece. The impact of the Unit’s activities on the local community are continuously being measured, in cooperation with the HIGGS Foundation. Thus far, feedback from cancer patients, their families and/or caregivers remains overwhelmingly positive.

The Mobile Unit innovates by providing beneficiaries information and services in a flexible way, inside the hospital or from home – as opposed to the usual methods of information. The Personal Health Assistant app acts as an accessibility tool that offers comprehensive, personalised guidance for patients as they navigate healthcare and social care services.

Each unit consists of a Social Worker, a Nurse specialized in oncology care and a large number of volunteers from the Nursing Department of the International Hellenic University. The role of the clinic is not limited to informing and raising awareness, but in addition provides specific integrated solutions and interventions for each case in need. In this way, the project contributes positively to the re-integration of cancer patients and improving their living conditions both before and after illness.

The positive outcomes and impact of the first Mobile Unit prompted the creation of another Unit in Thessaloniki. Every day, Kapa3 – now also located on the first floor of the “Nikos Kourkoulos” hospital in Pylea – assists incoming patients deal with pressing issues around their medical and social rights.

In collaboration with the not-for-profit Desmos Foundation, Kapa3 was able to deliver 13,000 FFP2 high protection masks to the Theagenio Cancer Hospital of Thessaloniki, thus actively helping to improve conditions for oncology patients. Another 8,450 FFP2 high protection masks were delivered to the “Nikos Kourkoulos Day Care Unit” of the Theagenio Hospital in Pylea, a donation by the Non Profit Foundation “Desmos” and the “H&M Group”, a multinational clothing company based in Sweden, committed to improving and strengthening social welfare.

Moreover, implemented at the suggestion of Kapa3 and in cooperation with the Non Profit Foundation “Desmos”, the “PAPOUTSANIS S.A.”, a Greek manufacturer with a rich heritage and one of the largest manufacturers of soap and liquid cosmetics, donated antiseptic gels to the Theagenio Cancer Hospital of Thessaloniki for patients.

Kapa3 won 2 awards at the Healthcare Business Awards 2022” organized for the 7th consecutive year by BOUSSIAS.

The Cancer Prevention and Management Mobile Unit received the SILVER award in the category Quality of Health & Patient Care Services.

The excellent collaboration between Kapa3, Theagenio Anti-Cancer Hospital and the Research Laboratory “Care of Adult Patients with Cancer” of the Department of Nursing, provided solutions to one of the biggest challenges for health in Greece.

Kapa3 won the BRONZE award, in the “Contribution to Health by NGOs” section. Health services are perhaps the most sensitive part of social policy in an organised state. The provision of quality services to its beneficiaries requires an integrated, coherent and effective model of health care delivery and is a function of many factors, which require constant monitoring and evaluation.

The Social Impact Assessment (SIA) study of the “Cancer Prevention and Management Mobile Unit” programme captures qualitative and quantitative data.

The methodology developed to measure social impact included 4 stages:

  1. Identification of stakeholders

  2. Interviews with stakeholders in order to assemble their views and experiences from the project

  3. Creation of semi-structured electronic questionnaires to collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative data

  4. Analysis of the survey results.

Specifically, the survey focused on the following stakeholers:

  • Oncology Patients – through oral interviews and questionnaire completion

  • Carers of oncology patients – through oral interviews and completion of a questionnaire

  • Employees of the Theagenio Hospital – through oral interviews and completion of a questionnaire

  • Project team-Volunteers, through focus group and completion of questionnaire

Impact Assessment Results:
The Unit within the Theagenio Hospital was important to 91% of patients, caregivers, health professionals asked.

97% agreed that their request had been handled by the Unit and completed successfully to a satisfactory degree.

91% said that they had received valid information and had gained new knowledge from the Unit.

87,1% said that their daily lives and that of their families had improved due to the Unit.

Within 7 months we managed to serve more than 500 patients.

On Friday, 11th of November 2022, we organized a meeting at the Municipal Hall of Thessaloniki entitled “The contribution of the Cancer Prevention and Management Mobile Unit of Kapa3 in ensuring the rights of cancer patients: conclusions, trends and perspectives”. The meeting was held in collaboration with the Research Laboratory “Care of Adult Patients with Cancer” of the Department of Nursing of the International Hellenic University and with the exclusive sponsorship of the TIMA Charitable Foundation.

The meeting was deemed a success owing to the speakers approaching the disease in a holistic manner and showcasing a range of  innovative practices which actively support cancer patients and their caregivers.

You can find out more about the event here:

Within the continued sponsorship of the TIMA Charitable Foundation, the Mobile Units in Thessaloniki have stayed open and active all through 2023, making more patients aware of their rights, and helping them resolve issues about claiming their rights and getting better access to services.

Nursing volunteers continue to support the Units’ activities in collaboration with the Research Laboratory “Care of Adults Patients with Cancer” of the International Hellenic University. In 2023, the Democritus University of Thrace becomes a new key collaborator also massively contributing to the work of the Units, with social work students doing their internships with Kapa3.

The Cancer Guidance Center attended and contributed to the ESMO Congress in Madrid between the 20-24th October, which was “An exceptional scientific and educational event for the oncology community as the president of ESMO, Andrés Cervantes named it.

The Head of Development and Operations and Co-Founder of Kapa3, Bista Evaggeli, participated in Science, Innovation and Opportunity meetings, as well as discussions alongside remarkable associates from all over the world. It was a learning opportunity where more than thirty thousand participants shared and exchanged opinions.
There were also meetings with patient groups from all different places (Czech Repupic, Denmark, Italy, England) that showed interest for the action programs of Kapa3 during which the following was discovered:

● The complication of the health care system for cancer patients,
● The inequalities that are part of accessing the health care system in all the aforementioned countries
● The absence of correlating the financial status of a patient and the ability of accessing the healthcare system.

Evidence shows that the access of patients is dependent upon factors such as place of residence, education and the demographic group, whilst the inability of many of them to do what is best for their treatment is weakened by factors such as age, frailty, and/or mobility.

The presence of Kapa3 concerned the recording of the action of the first Mobile Unit of support of oncological patients by a Civil Society organization, with partners the Research Laboratory “Care of Adult Patients with Cancer” of the Department of Nursing of the International University of Greece and the Theagenio Cancer Hospital of Thessaloniki, with the exclusive support of the TIMA Charitable  Foundation.

Finally, the conclusions of the Congress around the patients’ Organizations are very important and they state that:

1. They have considerable expertise and resources in specific areas and are able to influence the healthcare systems.
2. They can contribute substantially to strategic healthcare plans, including legislation.
3. It takes time to empower patients with the knowledge and confidence that is required in order to communicate effectively with the medical community.
4. A practical, expanded framework is needed for the policy makers, practitioners and researchers to serve as a roadmap for conceptualizing and targeting the key mechanisms of influence of the Social Determinants of Health.

In this contect, Kapa3 is spearheading frontline actions giving meaning to the concepts of “personalized care”, full information update, equal access, social reintegration in an effort to improve the quality of life of patients.

Read more at the following Press Release

The Kapa3 team, in the context of the operation of the Mobile Unit within the Theagenio Hospital, has created the following file Mapping all the necessary Procedures of the Theagenion Hospital of Thessaloniki, that a patient and/or caregiver should know.

Specifically, in the attached file you will find information on the following:

  • KEPA Procedure – Disability Assessment and Certification
  • Collection of examinations copies
  • Transportation Costs
  • Hospitality Center for Cancer Patients Guest House – Admissions and Stay Guide. 

See the relevant file, here

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