In addition to the benefits you are entitled to, there are additional benefits or facilities that will enable you to manage your cancer and have a better quality of life. In all cases you will need to have a certificate from a Disability Certification Centre (CDC) for your disability rating.



In order to create the required application file, one should follow the instructions given for completing the application on the e-efka platform https://www.efka.gov.gr/el/menoy/kentro-pistopoieses-anaperias-kepa.

And download the relevant documents:

Finally, both the addresses and the telephone numbers of the KE.P.A. are given for the convenience of the sufferers as well as the possibility to manage one’s request through the Electronic Services KE.P.A. https://apps.ika.gr/eKEPA/

Indicatively listed are :

For people belonging to the armed forces and security forces, the following links are provided for more targeted and comprehensive information

– Supreme Army Sanitary Commission

– Supreme Naval Sanitary Commission

– Supreme Aviation Health Committee

– Supreme Health Committee of the Hellenic Police

– Fire Brigade Health Service

With the Digital KEPA:
  • The disability certification system is now purely electronic.
  • A single certification is provided and will certify against the medical criteria of every possible insurance, welfare, social or other type of benefit. Thus, a single application will be made, regardless of the benefit claim.
  • The obligation to pay a fee is abolished.
  • After submitting the application, you must contact the doctors of your choice, who will complete the medical referral file electronically through the Electronic Prescription System (https://www.e-prescription.gr/e-rv/d/kepa).
  • Patients with and irreversible conditions no longer need to go through periodic panels to certify their disability.
Below is the link to the online application form: IRREVERSIBLE DISEASES

Persons who have been recognised as having a disability rate of 67% or more by the CDC can have a reduction in their tax refund by presenting the Commission’s opinion when submitting their tax return.

Reduction in tax refund by presenting the decision of the CDC with a recognized disability rate of 67% or more along with your tax return.
Reduction in inheritance, gift and parental benefit tax.

Article 46
Granting of discounts on EN.F.I.A.


EOPYY incorporates in the Electronic Prescription System of the diagnostic tests “Testing for the presence of BRCA 1,2 gene mutations” in the category “Genetic Testing for Inherited Cancer” of C2(d)/oik.61919/10.08.2018 (Government Gazette B3969) Joint Ministerial Decision (JMD), which was issued 4 years ago.


In accordance with Decision No. D12a/G.P.οικ.68856 /2202 (Government Gazette 5855/B/28.12.2018)the competence to grant welfare providers in cash to persons with disabilities, housing assistance allowance and expatriate refugee allowance was assigned to OPEKA. The administrative procedures, terms and conditions were established.Also according to Article 11The sums of money paid as welfare benefits in cash to persons with disabilities, in accordance with the provisions of this, do not fall under any income category and are therefore not taxed. Furthermore, the amount of cash welfare benefits to disabled persons shall not be subject to any deduction or stamp duty, shall not be confiscated or set off against debts already established with the State, private individuals or credit institutions and shall not be included in the income limits for the payment of any social or welfare benefit.





The Civilisation Card entitles its holder to free or discounted entry to many cultural events organised by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
The beneficiaries of the programme are:
  1. insured persons who have accumulated in the year 2021 50 days of: their insurance in the eEFKA on the basis of a dependent private-law employment relationship with contributions to the contributory branches of the IUFPA; and/or the granting of a special maternity protection benefit under Article 142 of Law 3655/2008, as in force, and/or the granting of a regular unemployment allowance on the basis of the common unemployment provisions; and/or the granting of long-term unemployed allowance under par. AA.1.III of Law no. 4093/2012
  2. unemployed persons registered in the Special Register of Unemployed Persons with Disabilities of the DYPA on the date of the deadline for submission of applications.
Τhe programme will apply from 1 August 2022 to 31 July 2023 to submit the application click here: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/politismos-athletismos-kai-tourismos/tourismos/koinonikos-tourismos
Patients with a 67% disability are exempted from paying municipal fees, provided that the municipalities in which they reside implement this programme. The Social Service of the municipalities is responsible for the inclusion of beneficiaries in this programme.
Α) PPC (PUBLIC POWER CORPORATION) Β) Special Special Special Tariff EYDAP Γ) SOCIAL HOUSEHOLD TARIFF To join the new Social Household Tariff , those interested must submit an application on the IDIKA website at https://www.idika.gr/kot/, where you can see if you are eligible or if you can join the Vulnerable Customer Register in six steps , with your TAXISnet codes.  
Ice caps are used during certain chemotherapies to prevent alopecia and are available from hospitals in consultation with the patient’s attending physician and with partial financial participation by the patient.

To submit a claim and be reimbursed for the purchase of an artificial crown (wig), without going to a unit of the National Organization for the Provision of Health Services (EOPYY) click here:
https://www.gov.gr/upourgeia/upourgeio-ugeias/ethnikos-organismos-parokhes-uperesion-ugeias-eopuu/apozemiose-tekhnetes-komes .

The institution (EOPYY) provides insured persons with the reimbursement of the purchase of an artificial crown with a 25% participation of the insured person. Beneficiaries are the directly insured persons of the Health Branches of the Health Insurance Funds that have joined the EOPYY, and their family members, who are entitled to health care.

Cancer patients are exempted from the compulsory fulfilment of military service by
submitting their diagnosis from a public hospital to the recruitment office. In addition, when
the patron father of the family is suffering from cancer and has been diagnosed with a
disability rate of 67% or more, the first child has reduced military service if the father is also
examined by a commission of the military corps in which the child will serve.


a) The reduced working hours are extended by one (1) hour per day to all regular employees
and employees of the State, the public sector and the public utilities, who have a disability of 67% or more.

b) The reduced working hours shall be extended by one (1) hour per day for regular and permanent private employees of the State, the N.P.D.D. and the O.T.A. who are end-stage
renal patients.

c) The percentage of disability (mental, psychological or physical) of the children of regular
employees and employees with a private employment relationship of unlimited duration of the State, N.P.D.D. and O.T.A. is set at 67% or more, instead of the currently stipulated limit of more than 67%, in order for these employees to have reduced working hours by one hour per day.

Read more

Ν.2527/1997 ΦΕΚ206
Ν.3528/2007 (ΦΕΚ 26Α΄9/2/07)
ΠΔ/193/1998 άρθρο 5 (ΦΕΚ 84Α)

The Public Services, the Legal Entities of Public Law (N.P.D.D.) and the Local Authorities
(O.T.A.) of both levels are obliged to appoint or recruit persons protected by Article 1 of Law
2643/1998, as in force, without competition or selection, to approved positions
corresponding to five percent (5%) of the total number of positions to be advertised in the
relevant body.

Persons with a disability rate of at least 50% and with a limited capacity for occupational
employment due to any chronic physical or mental or psychological ailment or impairment
(persons with disabilities), provided they are registered in the registers of unemployed
disabled persons of the OAED.
Those who have a child, brother or sister or spouse with a disability of 67% or more, due to
severe mental and physical illnesses, ascertained by the competent health committees.

Read more here
άρθρο 1 του Ν. 2643/1998 – ΠΡΟΣΛΗΨΗ ΣΕ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΣ ΥΠΗΡΕΣΙΕΣ

The Organisation for Employment of Labour Resources (O.A.E.D.) implements subsidy
programmes for young freelancers with disabilities.


Special low social tariffs are granted to patients with a disability of 67% or more. These
discounts are valid for life if the patients’ disability has also been assessed by the relevant
Health Committees for life. For supporting documents or further information, please click


Patients with a disability rate of 67% or more are entitled to a discount on the use of internet services, as are their guardians.

Students suffering from malignant neoplasms with a KEPA certificate and 67% disability are
enrolled without examinations in the School or Department of their choice at a rate of 5% of
the total number of admissions. The above right does not apply to those Schools or
Departments for which, by a reasoned decision of the School or Department itself, approved
by the Senate of the Institution, the specific condition, due to the nature of the science,
makes it difficult for those suffering from it to attend. For this reason, candidates belonging
to the above categories should, before applying for registration, ascertain from the
Departmental Secretariat whether or not a relevant decision has been issued. In the case of
schools and departments requiring specialised knowledge, ascertained by means of
examinations in specific subjects, candidates should contact the relevant secretariat in order
to find out whether or not they are required to sit the examination in the specific subject.

Serious Disease Codes / Certification Hospitals (5%)

See what happens after the submission of the computerized form for the year 2022-2023 2022-2023

The applicant for transfer based on the social criteria is entitled to one (1) point for each
member of the applicant’s family (parent, child, sibling or spouse) who has a disability of
67% or more, certified by the Center for Disability Certification (KE.P.A.) or conditions listed

in the annex of the joint ministerial decision No.151/17897/B6/2014 (B΄ 358), as currently in

See in more detail in the circular below:

circular of transcripts 2021-2022

Permanent employees and employees with a private employment relationship of indefinite duration, who are parents or have custody of patients with a 67% disability who are attending higher education schools, if there is no possibility of transfer to another higher education school located in the city where the parent or custodian of the person with a disability is serving, may be posted to public services, N. Public authorities, public bodies and local authorities of the first and second degree in the cities where the persons with disabilities are studying, for a period equal to the time of study and up to a maximum of two (2) semesters after the end of their studies.

The Worker’s Housing and Worker’s Home Organizations were abolished as a public
institution after more than 70 years of continuous social action.

Therefore, at present, the above programmes are not being implemented until further

Zero participation of the insured person in laboratory tests, due to a certified disability of 80% or more by a CE.P.A., according to the Unified Health Benefits Regulation (EKPY) of the National Organization for Health Services (EOPYY)

More details here:


See relevant Government Gazette

See relevant Government Gazette

“Oncology patients can obtain High Cost Drugs free of charge from EOPYY Pharmacies or they
can request High Cost Drugs from a private pharmacy of their choice.
You can use the link below to search for an NHIF Pharmacy in your area:

You can schedule an appointment with an EOPYY Pharmacy or request a pick-up from a
private pharmacy:

According to the following Government Gazette and Circular E.2125/2021 for the tax year 2022, the exempt and non-exempt incomes from the special solidarity tax are determined. Which incomes:
Subject to Exempt
Public sector employment Private sector wage employment
Capital (interest, rent, etc.)
Capital transfer surplus
It is clarified that for those incomes that fall under the case of article 34, the exemption is granted if the alternative method of calculating the minimum tax according to articles 30, 31, 32, 33, 33, 34 of Law 4172/2013 as added by paragraph 2 of article 121 of Law 4799/2021 was not applied for the 2 previous years. SEE THE FEK SEE THE FEK SEE THE CIRCULAR

From the Unified Real Estate Ownership Tax are fully exempted, triple parents, large families
and persons with a disability of 80% or more, provided that the income criteria set by the
law are met.

Find out more in the file below:

2.Exemptions and reductions of ENFIA(2).docx

See Article 2 of this law

2.FEK-2022-Tefxos B-02240-downloaded -26_09_2022 (1) (1)

You can visit the website for E9 Declaration:


According to paragraph 1 of article 56 of the EHCY, EHCY beneficiaries who had to travel
outside their place of residence in order to treat a health problem that is not treated in a
health facility near their place of residence are reimbursed for their travel with the cost of the return tickets for public transport (Bus, Boat, Train). The patient and one accompanying person are entitled to this allowance.

The necessary supporting documents are required for the reimbursement of expenses:

  1. Reasoned certificate of the Director of an NHS Hospital, University Hospital, Military Hospital, the place of residence of the patient or a qualified doctor, the patient’s attending physician, for the impossibility of treating the condition or conducting an examination or the necessary paraclinical examinations at the patient’s place of residence.
  2. Copies of the examinations or the discharge certificate in the event of hospitalisation of the patient.
  3. Tickets for the cheapest class of the means of public transport by which they travelled where the journey is made by private car, the following shall be submitted petrol receipts
  4. Toll receipts (if there are toll stations), on the day of travel and return.
  5. Mileage certificate

The allowance is paid on the basis of the kilometric distance, at 0,15 cents per kilometre, when the journey is made by TAXI

  1. Proof of payment of the fare
  2. Toll receipts (if there are toll stations) on the day of travel and return
  3. Proof of mileage

In very exceptional cases, for the reimbursement of the travel by plane of the patient and his/her companion, in addition to the medical certificate for the impossibility of carrying out
the examination at the place of residence of the beneficiary and the necessity of travel with a companion, an opinion from the Supreme Health Council (A.Y.S.) and a relevant decision of
the Board of EOPYY is required.

For the reimbursement of travel expenses for the accompanying person, when the opinion has been issued by a medical doctor (who does not have the rank of Director), it must be co-
signed by the Director of the Hospital or the Health Centre, if the beneficiary is an adult over 18 years of age.

The cost of an accompanying person is compulsorily reimbursed in the case of children and adolescents up to 18 years of age and beneficiaries with a visual impairment of 80% or more.

In particular, the reimbursement of air travel expenses for cancer patients and their accompanying persons does not require an opinion from the AIS and the Board of the EOPYY.

You can make the application here, by selecting “COMPENSATION FOR TRANSPORT OF PATIENTS”:

A National Committee for Rare Diseases was established and its members were appointed.

The work of the Committee is:

  1. To formulate a proposal regarding the National Action Plan for Rare Diseases with the aim of promoting the necessary legislative regulations.
  2. To coordinate and monitor the implementation of the proposed actions of the above National Plan.
  3. The evaluation of the submitted requests for recognition of the candidate Centres of Expertise for Rare and Complex Diseases, according to the criteria and conditions established by law.
  4. The five-yearly reassessment of the recognised centres of expertise for rare and complex diseases.
  5. To examine any other related matter assigned to it by the Minister of Health.

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