Sharing good practices in the use of nonclinical e-health solutions for
cancer patients and their caregivers in Europe.
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- Good Practices Guide
E-Health4Cancer (project code: 2022-2-EL01-KA210-ADU-000097120) is a new project funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ KA210-ADU program. It was launched on April 26th by holding an online Kick-off meeting among its partners. The overall objective of the project is to improve cancer care by sharing good practices in the use of nonclinical e-health solutions for cancer patients and their caregivers in Europe.
Cancer remains one of the largest pressing global health issues, with the number of new cases projected to increase significantly over the next decade. In 2020 alone, there were 19.3 million new cancer cases worldwide, with Europeans particularly affected (Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, 2022). Despite healthcare systems' best efforts, cancer care remains fragmented, expensive and access to care is often unequal.
Fortunately, e-health solutions can address these challenges and are becoming increasingly important in cancer care, by providing patients with the tools and resources to manage their health more effectively, empowering them to take an active role in their care. The growth of the digital health market is predicted to increase significantly in the coming years, with a particular focus on cancer care, making E-Health4Cancer a timely and important initiative.
The E-Health4Cancer project aims to provide patients and caregivers in Europe with easier access to affordable and user-friendly nonclinical e-health solutions, by creating a comprehensive guide on Good Practices for nonclinical e-health solutions in Europe. The project aims to increase synergies between partner organizations and cross-fertilization among a broad spectrum of experts, representatives and relevant stakeholders striving for better cancer care.
June 2023
Methodology for Good Practice Guide development
October 2023
Feedback from stakeholders on digital health tools for cancer
December 2023
Results from systematic review of existing digital health tools for cancer
May 2024
Finalization of the Good Practice Guide
April 2024
Final Meeting & Dissemination event in Thessaloniki, Greece
Press Release, Conference Announcement.
Press Release - Workshop Report.
Event Page:
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